Evanescence Song Reviews

Fallen Fallen
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Released on
Tuesday, March 4, 2003
4. My Immortal

Review #2080 by ASH
Written on Apr 16, 2004 (Read 8446 times)
This is the best song I have ever herd.  I know what it is like to lose someone. I lost a Grandfather, and Friend, and a cousin in one year.  I was close to all of them.  Now everytime I hear this song, I cry.  It is such a haunting experience.  I now have a hard time copeing with death, but I am fasinated by it.  This is truly the saddest song I have ever herd.

Review #2079 by farn
Written on Apr 16, 2004 (Read 8454 times)
I guess this is one the best songs I have ever heard; captivated me and can't stop playing this song. Emailed the lyrics to my first lover; feelin' a bit sad!

Review #2078 by ~me*
Written on Apr 16, 2004 (Read 8457 times)
This is an awesome song. Sad but kewl

Review #2077 by Candy
Written on Apr 16, 2004 (Read 8494 times)
Simply awesome

Review #2065 by Amanda Cantrell
Written on Apr 15, 2004 (Read 8615 times)
Omy you are the best thing that had ever happened to me and when i sing i sing from my heart and i love you  and you are like my big sister

                  love yah always

Review #2062 by Me3
Written on Apr 15, 2004 (Read 8686 times)
The first time I heard this song, it brought me to tears. It sums up absolutly everything that is happing in my relationship today. I cant waite for him to come home so I can play this for him. But to him it proably wont mean a damn thing, some men!

Thank you Evanscence!!!!!

Review #2057 by EvAnEsCeNcE_fAn
Written on Apr 14, 2004 (Read 8787 times)
I LlLlLlOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOvVvVvVvEeEeE this song! when i first heard the other verson with the band in the backround at the one part i didnet like it but then i heard it again and i fell in love with it i listend to it befor i went to bed for 2 weeks! and it put me to sleep every time(thats a good thing) it is such a good song!!!! keep up the awesome work guys its great!!!!

Review #2049 by B-jay
Written on Apr 13, 2004 (Read 8895 times)
Whoa! My Immortal is by far one of the best songs.. I love it, the first couple times I heard it, I didn't reallie understand then I got the lyrics and I love it... its hard to listen to tho, kuz I lost mi aunt a few years ago and wen I hear it all I can think about is her... but I love the song soo much! everything about the song it's GREAT! Evanescence you guys kik ASS! love yuh! - B-jay

Review #2048 by Leela
Written on Apr 13, 2004 (Read 8894 times)
This song reminds me of an old relationship. Everytime i hear it i think of he and wanna cry.

Review #2045 by Aarika
Written on Apr 13, 2004 (Read 8939 times)
this song Kicks ass!!! i love everything about it, the piano part, the vocals, the guitar, everytime i hear it i start to cry and when i song makes me emotional, then you know it 's good!!!!!


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