Evanescence Song Reviews

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Released on
Tuesday, March 4, 2003
4. My Immortal

Review #2191 by Jenna
Written on Apr 24, 2004 (Read 7367 times)
This song reminds me of one of my best friends who passed away recently. Reading these lyrics made me realize how I felt. I thought I was alone...thank-you Amy Lee, for giving me a renewed sense of hope...

Review #2187 by Matilly
Written on Apr 23, 2004 (Read 7424 times)
My Immortal is dedicated to the first love of my life Snakey. He is now my best friend but i will always love him in another way. He is the greatest person i know and has stood by me in many situations. I pray that one day our love with bring us back together and we can have the life we deserve. This song reaches to me deeper than any other song and it gives me a sense of security and strength. Baby i will love u all my life and i am always here for u forever

Review #2164 by jot@gs____ you the women
Written on Apr 22, 2004 (Read 7691 times)
the lyrics of the song,is about the freinship.i dont want to lose any of my freinds and i love to have a company.this song is didecated to my freind,i know that he never love me.but i love him so much,since 5 years ago.but he never know that i have a feelings of him.and i dont want to lose of him or any anobody of my freinds.and ill always stand for them to fight. ilove you all of my freinds out there.SEE YA

Review #2160 by Sunshine
Written on Apr 21, 2004 (Read 7722 times)
i love my imortal. it has gotten me out of s0o0o many bad moods and has helped me get over alot of guys....i hope it stays around for a while!

Review #2157 by Anonymous
Written on Apr 21, 2004 (Read 7745 times)
I love "My Immortal." Its a very touching song and I can tell the lyrics were carefully written out and the music is enchanting. Even the music video is amazing. I'm doing it for the talent show at St. Thomas High, and I hope I do good!

Review #2155 by Soraia
Written on Apr 21, 2004 (Read 7781 times)
my immortal e uma das musicas que eu mais gosto e, que me faz lembrar uma pessoa muito importante na minha vida, o meu namurado, o Eduardo. é uma musica fantastica e, alem da musica ser espetacular os cantores sao magnificos. adoro tambem a parte em que ela esta a cantar e o som das guitarras começam a dar no videoclip, a unica coisa que eu acho que está mesmo mal é que na musica que dá no rádio diariamente não demonstra o som das guitarras e isso p'ra mim e muito importante pois e a parte da musica que mais me imociona.

Review #2154 by Brittany Gulley
Written on Apr 21, 2004 (Read 7790 times)
My Immortal is my favorite song. Me and my best friend Donna love this song. It reminds is of how our friendship has grown through the years. Donna has been there for me through thick and thin. Whenever I would cry she'd wipe away my tears, just like in the song. I think anyone who has ever felt the love of a true frind can relate to this song. I am 15 and Donna is 42, and she the best frined I could ever have.

Review #2149 by Pablo Gutierrez
Written on Apr 21, 2004 (Read 7813 times)
My Immortal is the most amazing song i have ever heard. Amy's voice is just mezmorizing, she's beautiful, and the group in general is just awesome.  I will always be a fan as long as evanessance is around, keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!  I need music around i can enjoy.

Review #2143 by courtney
Written on Apr 20, 2004 (Read 7906 times)
this is how i feel every day ..im happy somone else feels it too....this is beautifully written

Review #2142 by Sarah
Written on Apr 20, 2004 (Read 7936 times)
I love this song soooooooooo much. It has such a great rythem. Perfect for me to dance ballet to! This CD was realesed on my B-day! March 4th!


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