Evanescence Song Reviews

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Released on
Tuesday, March 4, 2003
4. My Immortal

Review #2519 by Brittani
Written on May 17, 2004 (Read 4118 times)
Evanescence Is now the only band i ever listin to it has a lot of great songs. I have all the posters of them to put all over my wall. The Only kind of shirts i wear and Evanescence now. Amy Lee, you are a grat singer and keep up the job I hope you will be making my cds.(i collect them...)

Review #2514 by Samantha
Written on May 17, 2004 (Read 4191 times)
okay first off for all you people who get pissed off because other people liked that particular song too doesn't give you a right to debate WHO LIKED IT FIRST!!  
(hints the first comment) - that's such bull shit, you people have got to relax. . it's not just for your liking - it's meant for everybody and it just pisses me off that you actually give a shit who liked it first. . Plus you get all hyped up like "you" fucken wrote the song!  GET A LIFE then maybe you won't freak out about the small things!  
Back to my Review:
I saw their concert last night and loved every second of it. .  

Review #2505 by AnGeL------>eVaN.*.* FaNaTiK.*.* AnGeL
Written on May 16, 2004 (Read 4269 times)
oh my god mY ImMOrTaL i love this song¡¡ is a great song¡¡ is my favorite song¡¡¡ i love evanescence¡¡ and Amy you are the perferct girl¡¡¡

Review #2504 by Vall
Written on May 16, 2004 (Read 4277 times)
I love this song, and is pisses me off so bad that all of a sudden everyone else liked it too... i mean, I bought the first CD that come out, and Even in Death was FNA... and My Immortal was on that one as well... but no one mad ea big deal out of it... I tried to get radio stations to play it but no one had any idea who Evanescence even was. But it didn't discurage me because I knew how talented Amy Lee was.. and the all of a sudden everyone ran out and bought their CD because of the second song... which was also a great song. But, it infurieates me that we all fell in love with the song AFER Evanescence was popular. Shame on you all... Love the band before it's popular.

Review #2501 by Niki
Written on May 16, 2004 (Read 4298 times)
OmG! As soon as I heard this song on the radio, I immediatly kept begging my mom to buy the c.d.. I love evanescence! This is the best song I have EVER heard! Ya know? The lyrics are so strong and beautiful. Rawk on! ( lol)

Review #2494 by Heather
Written on May 15, 2004 (Read 4345 times)
This song has helped me through a devistating loss. This is the only song that says exactly how I feel and think. Thank you. This song is helping alot of people.

Review #2493 by Katelyne
Written on May 15, 2004 (Read 4339 times)
My Immortal has the best music+lyrics ever! It made me cry the first time i heard it! I can't get over how beautiful it is.  Amy Lee has the best way of making you fall in love with her songs.  I couldn't stop listening to it that i know it on the piano now! It makes you feel the lyrics.  Well it did to me. I love this song; its very well done, and i hope to hear more like it on the next album!

Review #2492 by jason
Written on May 15, 2004 (Read 4351 times)
This song is totally amazing and the first time I heard it, it just opened my eyes and made me realize so many things and now I'm viewing life from another point of view which is awesome and I wish people around me could understand how it feels MY IMMORTAL ROOOOOOOOOOOOOCKS


Review #2482 by dj soultrain
Written on May 14, 2004 (Read 4444 times)
i am one who enjoys all types of music. i listen to mostly hip hop and r-n-b. after hearing "my immortal" i felt like i just absolutely had to go out and buy this cd. i listened to it from beginning to end like 10 times that night. amy has put so much meaning into all of her lyrics, and her voice?! my god, is she amazing. evanescence kix all ass!!!

Review #2479 by Kelsey H
Written on May 14, 2004 (Read 4465 times)
I love this song, 'My Immortal' is so beautiful. It reminds me of my first Prom and my date and I danced to this song. It is so beautiful! I love it and my date...


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