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Fallen Buy It! Released on Tuesday, March 4, 2003 |
Review #2878 by: | marie | |
Written on: | Jul 5, 2004 (Read 1289 times) | |
My father passed away when I was 16 and I can really relate to the lyrics in this song. I cry whenever i hear it, because it is like someone else is singing about the feelings i have about my immortal... my dad. It is a very meaningful song, sung with a lot of emotion and the lyrics speak so much truth for anyone who has ever lost a loved one. |
Review #2850 by: | Kristi | |
Written on: | Jul 2, 2004 (Read 1368 times) | |
I heard this song today basically by accident while flipping through Yahoo radio stations. I like evanesence anyway so I listened and after I heard the first verse the tears would not stop as it reminds me of my Husband who isn't dead but my soulmate nonetheless....1 word fabulous. |
Review #2834 by: | Travis | |
Written on: | Jun 29, 2004 (Read 1508 times) | |
I have to say this song is simply amazing. The flowing blend of Amy's voice with the piano is phenominal. I like the rock version the best, (the one with the band) because it gives the end of the song an excellent, powerful, beautiful finale. You guy's rock! |
Review #2833 by: | Rebecca | |
Written on: | Jun 29, 2004 (Read 1509 times) | |
I know it is highly unlikely that this will get read at all, but I still had to put in my thoughts of My Immortal. It was about two weeks ago, and I wanted to try out for the Talent Show. I am pretty sure I have a reasonable voice, and won't crack any glass, so I decided to try out, singing My Immortal with my friend, Kaitlin. After the first verse they said that the people would be posted later. I cursed my own stupidity for trying out at all, and forgot about it. A day or two later, I found that me and my friend had made the Talent Show. Sadly, that afternoon we also discovered that all singing and dancing acts must go through one more try out. We were going to do that together as well, but disagreed on the song we were doing (I wanted to redo My Immortal, and she wanted to sing Alica Keys, Fallin) and went our own ways for the last try out. My friends were on the stage, painting for grad decorations (we're graduating this year) and we subtly listening to the try outs. After the first two lines of the song, the was told to stop because I was giving a teacher the chills, the good kind. I found out a few days later that I had made the Talent Show by myself. At the Talent Show, I was ready to fall on my knees and cry to the heavens I was so terrified. I had done a school play earlier in the year, but that is was different than singing in front of the whole school, by yourself. I went up with my legs shaking, and was wiping at my eye, trying to hide my face. I started singing, and the gym got really quiet. I messed up the words twice, and it sounded out of tune to me, but afterwords everyone said they loved it. Some teachers said I was awesome, and they would be watching for me on Canadian Idol. I rolled my eyes, convinced the performance was a wreck. Later that week, I went to the school on the last day, at the end of the day, to pick up Kaitlin's sister with her. Some of the kids started talking to me, asking me who died in my family. When I told them no one, they looked confused. Then one of the little boys told me that everyone had thought some one in my family had died, and I had written the song and sung it for them. As it turned out, they thought my eye-wiping-of-bashfullness were tears, and I was crying. I told them that I hadn't written the song, werely smeared the name my singing it. That nearly earned my a slap from Kaitlin, who is a big Evanescence fan, like myself. I just thought that may be an interesting story, though very long. See you, and good job Amy Lee, as well as the rest of Evanescence! |
Review #2824 by: | Ariel | |
Written on: | Jun 28, 2004 (Read 1526 times) | |
i just love this song. the very second i heard it i just knew it would be good. It has been my favorite since. Everything is perfect. Amy Lee's voice, the lyrics. I just listen to this song everytime i'm sad or angry. This song is just something people can relate to and can even get you through tough times. It's one of the most beautiful and powerful songs i've ever heard. I just can't get enough of it. I love the piano in it also. I've been looking for the piano music for a long time and never found it. If someone knows where to find them, then my email is ang3llilly@hotmail.com. that would be so great if someone sent them to me. I hope the next album comes out soon. EVANESCENCE ROCKS!!!! |
Review #2810 by: | Missy | |
Written on: | Jun 27, 2004 (Read 1581 times) | |
Wow, when this song first came out it made me take a step-back from my busy life and think. It is one of the greatest songs and it helped me get through a tough time when a good friend of mine passed away about 2 weeks before the cd came out...and as soon as I heard that song it made me think of my friend, so I just knew I would love it!! This song had me in tears and really moved me so much, so keep up the great work!! and can't waiit for the next CD! Thanks for helping me thru it all! |
Review #2788 by: | Rosita | |
Written on: | Jun 24, 2004 (Read 1729 times) | |
since i watched Daredevil i fell in love with Evanescence. it kinda reminded me of me and my ex-boyfriend seeing as we had a beautiful relation ship and although it is near six months that we are not together anymore i still love him and will always love him. everyday at work i hear this song (my immortal) it is amazing how a song can touch your soul in such a way that i had to get the cd and the motion picture. my now boyfriend although not a love of this type of this type of music i knew that he was touch by this song as well as the motion picture. keep it up. we love u |
Review #2717 by: | jenn | |
Written on: | Jun 10, 2004 (Read 2339 times) | |
i cant begin to tell you what this song does to me. it is simply amazing how music can touch your soul so deeply. i have recently come out of a relationship with a guy i TRUELY love. we are 1800+ miles away now. long story, we had a wonderful 17 months together. he was the most kind hearted, nurturing man i have ever been with. i really felt i could spend the rest of my life with him. he has been gone for 9 wks and i miss him tremedously. i havent heard from him at all and it is killing me. i'm doing much better now, have to pick up and move on with my life. but it is sooooo hard without him in it. i do feel his presence here with me. i dream about him every nite. i think about him all the time. i have never been so heartbroken in my life. i know it will get better....it is getting better, but it is hard as hell to let go. and he gave me no closure. just left, as if he died. i find comfort in this song. its as if the writer looked inside my soul and pulled out MY emotions. amy's voice, the music, the emotion that is put into the song.....i cant say anything new that someone else hasnt already said. THANK YOU!!! |
Review #2714 by: | Rebe | |
Written on: | Jun 8, 2004 (Read 2440 times) | |
I'll admit I made fun of this band until this song came on. I actually didn't know it was them until the DJ announced the band then I was like wow I really shouldn't judge. Any hoo this song makes me quite sad because I was running late and my sister drove me to school and along the way this song played and she told me it reminded her of me and I dunno it's quite saddening because she thinks I'm dead. I know our relationship has died because of our different paths. but I'm also awed at how everyone is complimenting this band, I really thought people were gonna be all you suck but it's so pleasing to see the opposite. If the band actually reads these they'd be truly inspired but we all know they don't have the time to that but we all wish don't we. I really like the darkness of the other songs past the first 3 on the album so yeah it'll teach me not to judge. |
Review #2706 by: | Robert | |
Written on: | Jun 7, 2004 (Read 2514 times) | |
I heard My Immortal for the first time on lite FM, and was blown away by it. I got a sudden feeling of wanting to search my soul, to make every thing right that I done worng. Where did that voice came from? I mean why have I not noticed it before now. Just beautiful. |