Evanescence Song Reviews

Fallen Fallen
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Released on
Tuesday, March 4, 2003
4. My Immortal

Review #3092 by Matt
Written on Jul 31, 2004 (Read 685 times)
This song is just too good. Its hard to say how great it is I've listened to it for hours and it never gets old. Its so real as if I feel what Amy feels. This song is just too good.

Review #3089 by Nura
Written on Jul 31, 2004 (Read 688 times)
Ok...this song totally rock.i mean i actually listen to it whenever i'm free or when i'm having a problem.it helps to ease my mind.So soothing yet it rocks.This song is such a materpiece!I juz lurv Amy's voice..so mysterious and sang this song to perfection.To me,i will neva eva eva eva get bored wif this song till the day i die or when my eardrums burts due to listening to it!!!

Review #3077 by Mindy
Written on Jul 29, 2004 (Read 753 times)
A few days ago my husband gave me this CD to listen to insisting that it would be something I could relate to and enjoy.  I do not relate to many artists and I have my own style of music.  However, after hearing this CD, especially My Imortal, I fell in love.  The mixture of Amy's vocals accompanied by the rythmic movement of the instruments is an emotional thrill.  I have never heard any music that touched my soul in such a way.

Review #3067 by sophie
Written on Jul 29, 2004 (Read 712 times)
i am a goth like amy lee i admire amy lee she is the rock queen !! shes the best and she has such a cool voice!

Review #3064 by Emily
Written on Jul 28, 2004 (Read 685 times)
I never could find music I liked until a friend lent me her evanescence cd. now that's all I listen to

Review #3062 by Shan
Written on Jul 28, 2004 (Read 701 times)
The words to the songs are really breath taking. I finnaly found music that feels like they know what has happen to me. Evanescence as real talent unlike Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Christina Agulaira, and the list would go on. Thank you Evanescence!

Review #3030 by Giani
Written on Jul 24, 2004 (Read 835 times)
1-st Class. This song is really The best of the World
Pozdrowienia z Polski

POLAND POLAND POLAND ....... When You come to Poland EVANESCENCE ??

Review #3020 by morgan
Written on Jul 23, 2004 (Read 842 times)
its nice to see that people can talk about things that everyone feels and thinks about at some point in their life. thank you for having the guts to say what you feel and sing about the thing that people can't talk about like the song #6. GOOD for you. i look forward to see what the years being of this group. YOU ROCK!!!!!

Review #3019 by gemma
Written on Jul 23, 2004 (Read 803 times)
ok, let me just say that i L-O-V-E this song!!!  i just love it. im actually listening to it as i type. its just so good. and i also love the music video. i didnt know about amy lee and them until i heard this song a million times on the radio and decided to check them out. needlss to say, i really like what i saw (and heard). so anyone who doesnt like this song has a different oppinion then me. thank you. ciao.


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