Evanescence Song Reviews

Fallen Fallen
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Released on
Tuesday, March 4, 2003
2. Bring Me To Life

Review #98 by JESSICA
Written on Oct 16, 2003 (Read 13148 times)

Review #92 by sandra marshall
Written on Oct 12, 2003 (Read 13174 times)
Evanescence rocks!!!! Amy is awesome. i love u evanescence. i wish that u guys would come to newfoundland so i can have my picture taken with all of u guys. and have all of your autographs. u guys rock!!!!

Review #69 by SotoS
Written on Sep 19, 2003 (Read 13243 times)
Although it's so boring now after so many months you can still hear it without gettin' sick!! Maybe because it's this voice...!!! Well Ben Moody is fantastic too!

Review #58 by SuperGerbil
Written on Sep 6, 2003 (Read 13294 times)
Lax listens to Dream Theater. That explains partly his immaturity and his close mindedness. Dream theater is a great band but in a differenct genre, they are progressive metal.More fancy technical stuff.(End explanation)

A very great song that has an overall good sound to it, the only thing that gets me is the dude singing in the background. I don't like, hate me or not that is my opinion. Amy has the *BEST* voice of any singer I know of to date. This isn't the best song, but It sure is a heck of a good one!

Evanescence Forever!!!!

Review #56 by Lioness
Written on Sep 6, 2003 (Read 13299 times)
Another great song with a lot of punch, the song which really brought this band to my attention. It's not the best song on the album, but it's still great to listen to. I've heard it so many times that I should be at the stage where I'm getting sick of it, but unlike other songs, "Bring Me To Life" keeps rocking me.

I don't care if some people think that this kind of music has no future, because this is the best stuff I've heard  for a long while and it may be even longer before I hear something even better :-D

Review #32 by dark destroyer
Written on Aug 14, 2003 (Read 13392 times)
i agree totally with kirsty - the band rocks like heck and songs like my immortal and hello make the album alot more completed - lax obviously objects 2 all these things, he can choose woteva music he likes...but me, evanescence is as good as it gets

Review #29 by kirsti
Written on Aug 12, 2003 (Read 13401 times)
I think that the last person who submitted a review is totally wrong. Like i said in my other review on the song 'Hello', its very good of Amy to mix some strong voice and opera to rock because the world of music would sound so boring all the same.

Review #23 by Lax
Written on Aug 8, 2003 (Read 13426 times)
Like we says in my country BERRRK !
What a crappy idea to merge limp biscuit and celine dion...
I mean, the only thing to notice in this band is the voice, the music is so poor that it would be better a capela...And it must restrain her !
She has sex appeal for sure, but if every album sounds like the same song, because of the ice age dumb*** that is hammering his guitar with power chords...it won't last !
I'm fan of nightwish, and when i heard that a band had a cool female singer, i feeled interested...but i'm deceived !
Maybe this girl will meet real musicians and make something enough strong to avoid the commercial image, because nothing plus one, it's worth 1, and that's poor...
I stop there my review because my idea was short, a deceiving attempt for a new kind of rock...Neo metal sounds like no future ;)
Don't hate me, i listen to Dream Theater, i can't understand...

Review #6 by Mei-chan
Written on Jun 28, 2003 (Read 13536 times)
dis is my favorite song.  The first time I heard it, I fell in love with it and now one of my guy friends think I'm obsessed with it.  Who cares??  it's awesome!

Review #4 by aubrey
Written on Jun 27, 2003 (Read 13549 times)
i thought the song was so awesome until i saw the girls ass in the video so yah i got scared it looked like my  grandma germaines ass


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