Evanescence Song Reviews

Fallen Fallen
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Released on
Tuesday, March 4, 2003
1. Going Under

Review #44 by ali
Written on Aug 22, 2003 (Read 13753 times)
A great and a very suitable song for the beginning. It affects deeply with the lyrics and the voice of amy lee. The person in the song is trying to know what's wrong and what's not. But he finds himself all alone.
Maybe the best song in the album. The longlasting bomb explodes when amy sings "screaming, deceiving and bleeding for you and you still won't hear me /// don't want your hand this time i'll save myself"
her voice is felt like she is fading away and crying out to be heard all the time in this song. The last 3 "going under" she says is incredibly beautiful. And the video of course, it's the best video i've ever watched. It really makes you feel the athmosphere she's in.


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