Evanescence Song Reviews

Fallen Fallen
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Released on
Tuesday, March 4, 2003
1. Going Under

Review #2089 by Rien Lónárt
Written on Apr 17, 2004 (Read 4702 times)
Evanescence is the greatest group!
All songs are wonderful!
Amy! Be happy!

Review #2087 by trish
Written on Apr 16, 2004 (Read 4728 times)
hey hey hey you guys rock i love your band and your songs!!!

Review #2074 by Kristen Fyffe
Written on Apr 16, 2004 (Read 4776 times)
OMFG!!!! this song is THE best song EVER!!! me ñ mi gurlz LOVE it ..... its also me ñ mi boi'z song together.... we both absolutely LOVE amy and the band!!! the drummer ROX!!! YEAH!! AMY~~YOU GO GURL!!! I LOVE YOU!! ur s0o0o0o0o talented and BEAUTIFUL! OMG! i would LOVE to look like you gurl! ur AWESOME!! ¥£ÄH!! i noe ALL of ur songs by heart!!! and they ROCK!! especially going under & tourniquet!! ROCK ON EVANESCENCE!!!!!
*l¤v£ ÄlwÄ¥z*
(((I L¤V£ TH¤Mħ W!LL!ÄM M£RR£L JUN!¤R 4£VÄ ñ ÄLWÄ¥Z)))

Review #2073 by LUV EVA_FOREVER
Written on Apr 16, 2004 (Read 4776 times)
Going Under is a great song because i can feel Amy's anger inside. When she sings it it's great because she is going through the same things as we are. Amy is great!!!!

Review #2069 by scimitar (jean-yves)
Written on Apr 16, 2004 (Read 4788 times)
hooooow ! it's great ! it is one of the best musics than I never heard! I am a Belgian boy
and here, in Belgium, everyone likes evanescence... it is brilliant!

Review #2064 by Natasha
Written on Apr 15, 2004 (Read 4810 times)
I love Evanescence!!! She is the best singer ever. Even tho I"m african american i can so much relate to her songs. All of her songs are great on this albulm. Going Under, Bring Me to LIfe, My Immortal.. I love the band.. They just make me so happy in life. I love evanescence!!!! YOu go girl. Also to the band... I love you also!!! Her voice jus makes me feel good and calm.. her singing just captures my heart. I feel she is so great. It makes me calm. Go Amy and The band . keep doing your thang.. Natasha

Review #2060 by Sandra
Written on Apr 15, 2004 (Read 4862 times)
I sing myself very mutch, and when I hear these songs and her voise its like a cold fire running from your back. I think she´s very talented and beatiful. It´s not very common that you can have a voise like that and still be beatiful. Or maybe what people call beatiful. We have a wonderful singer, but she´s too fat to be on stage or somethin like that, I think it is so wrong.

Review #2023 by Roza
Written on Apr 11, 2004 (Read 5098 times)
Wow! That it. Thats my review on the whole CD! People who have listened to this CD, some who have no troubles at all would think it rubbish, but those who are not perfect (everyone) and have troubles will most definately relate to the lyrics and the intense music. When Amy's voice may be really high at some point and when its really low at others, it shows frustration, emotion, and just about everything else that will make you break down and cry. Numerous times I have cried throughout the whole CD. There is no band like Evanescence that can crack a tough shell and dig down to your emotions. Going Under is one of those songs that sound so common but so unique. Its one of those songs only Evanescence could produce. Amy Lee has the most beautiful and most unique voice the world has heard yet. The Bring Me to Life song, however very great lyrics did not seem to suit me well. When I first heard the song, I thought of Evanescence as a pop group or something. However, it still was a one of. My Immortal was basically the Titanic of the whole album. It made me cry every single time I heard it.  Where in the world did such awesome band come together? But my most favorite songs was Imaginary and Tourniquet. Imaginary was totally about how brutal the real world is and how we would like to stay carefree and happy, which no one really is except children, hence the lyrics- In my field of paper flowers, and candied clouds of lullaby. The song wanted to remind us all of the innocent days of our lives and how we will be never again. Tourniquet sort of reminded me of my life. It was really depressing and it was as though Amy had no where to go except to God.And was she not accepted she turned to suicide. Wow. I'm talking about the sogns as if I wrote them. These are my opinions only! ©Evanesence for everything I have mentioned!

Review #2006 by CQ
Written on Apr 10, 2004 (Read 5177 times)
GOTTA SAY i'M NOT A BIG FAN....so many other groups do the same thing this band does except...better. Its cool that a group like this can tap into the mainstream in hopes of subtilly bring music trends around but they are nothing speciel...I would strongly suggest any fans of this genera check out Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, and Tristania...

Review #1998 by Donald
Written on Apr 9, 2004 (Read 5232 times)
I think Evanescence is cool


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