Evanescence Song Reviews

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Released on
Saturday, November 4, 2000
4. My Immortal

Review #7702 by mom-sumon
Written on Oct 4, 2009 (Read 1206 times)
my mosst precioussss gifts was the video the lakeshore class made of Ryan "sumann" Surant with the most wonderful,heartfelt,true essance of me as a mother who held hiss hand through these years........I love the fact that some of ryans friends still come over please contiune to pass through our doors you may bring him or he may be here waiting for you--through all these years PEACE

Review #7666 by Stumbleine
Written on Jun 22, 2008 (Read 1209 times)
"I'd give the very breath from my chest, to give you all the things that my mind couldn't bear"
This one is much better than the radio version. The piano and lyrics are just lovely.

Review #5667 by stace
Written on Sep 22, 2005 (Read 1739 times)
this is a great song just like the rest of evanescence's songs r i wud be so confused if people dint like this song coz it is that BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!

Review #5665 by Punkygrl
Written on Sep 21, 2005 (Read 1740 times)
arghhh- My fav. song in da world....my immortal! it goes with out saying that this song has so much meaning to so many different people! I love it so much and it means so much to me that when i die,i'm getting mum to have this song played at my funeral! My family can always tell when i'm going through something rough because i am ALWAYS listen to this song! It ROX!!!!!

Review #5317 by Billie
Written on Jul 15, 2005 (Read 1865 times)
this is my all time favorite songs of all time my really good friend has taught himself to play this on his keyboard while i sing everybody says we pull that song off really good but we are no where as good as amy lee she rocks

Review #5069 by chris
Written on May 31, 2005 (Read 1951 times)
the origin version just sound like the one on fallen but it still a good song

Review #5010 by Shy
Written on May 21, 2005 (Read 1981 times)
i luv this song,lyrics are d deepest,extremely poWErful...-sigh-

Review #4729 by Canadiangrl
Written on Apr 6, 2005 (Read 2061 times)
My Immortal is an amazing song..and very powerful in soo many ways. as sad as it may be, i think it helps people with their emotions. when my niece heard it for the first time (she was like a year old)..she was silent..and everytime the video plays..she sits in front of the t.v until it is over! it's a beautiful song..and Amy lee is an amazing singer who has the perfect voice for this song.

Review #3689 by aline
Written on Nov 24, 2004 (Read 2410 times)
oi...............tudo bem eu te amo é a aline que esta falando

Review #3686 by lesly_08
Written on Nov 24, 2004 (Read 2413 times)
evanescence rockin on!!!
especially MY IMMORTAL..
your the best..
hope to have more power..
e mail me if you if you will lunch another album


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