Reviews for Evanescence Concert
Avalon Ballroom in Boston, MA

on October 7, 2006

Review #7371 by tamara
Written on Jan 28, 2007 (Read 838 times)
can u guys come to lincoln nebraska

Review #7097 by Cady
Written on Nov 1, 2006 (Read 988 times)
The concert was deffinitely amazing. The tickets sold out in like 2 days... so haha my friends and i went all the way to Boston to buy tickets off the street. 100 bucks a piece. Worth it. Second Row baby. It was really amazing. We have awesome pictures if anyone would like to see. We were extremely close... about 3 ft away from the stage. Anyone can add me on msn, or contact me on AIM at XoXFlyingCowXoX

Review #7031 by YEIMY
Written on Oct 18, 2006 (Read 1076 times)
hola me encanta evanecence es un gran grupo nunca cambien

Review #7014 by jhay
Written on Oct 15, 2006 (Read 1117 times)
OH... MY..... GOD.....They were absolutely amazing!!!!! I'm still lost for words to describe their performance, especially Amy Lee...The crowd was awesom! too.

Review #6996 by Jason
Written on Oct 13, 2006 (Read 1143 times)
$250 for tickets on E-bay and 778 miles one way from North Carolina and the show was worth every penny and every mile. Being that close to them in a small place was cool. Some songs even sound better in concert than on the cd. Weight of the world needs to be felt not just heard live at least once in a lifetime. I'll go see them as many times as they come around. Even if it's not really close.

Review #6970 by Amanda
Written on Oct 8, 2006 (Read 1230 times)
Evanescence has been my favorite band since the first time I heard them around four years ago.  Seeing them on Saturday was my first time ever seeing them live, and oh my God, it was amazing.  Amy Lee is the best singer in the world, simple as that.  The notes she hits are unbelievable.  In one part of Weight Of The World there is some background almost opera like singing, I watched her sing those notes, live, on stage, about seven feet in front of me.  It doesn't get any better than that.  And on top of that, I had the priviledge of meeting her after the show, and got autographs, and two hugs from her.  

She is officially my favorite person in the world, and if I had the money to buy the plane tickets, I would be at every single one of Evanescence's shows this tour.

Review #6968 by KB
Written on Oct 8, 2006 (Read 1238 times)
Oh my god. What an absolutly fabulouse show. Its realy cool to see such a powerhouse band in a 1000 seat arena. Every time I think there is no way Amy can hit those notes live, and bam she nails every song without a hitch. This is an incredibly tight, polished, powerhouse band and I am so impressed. This band is going places and i strongly encourage everyone to see them. Seeing them live is without a doubt the best show I have been to in 15 years.

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