As a student worker during the days of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA), Camille learned that a job has many benefits~ for the individual, for their family, and for the community at large. Over the past twenty years, she has built a strong career in Workforce Development.
In both direct client services and management positions, Camille has worked with~
~ the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD),
~ the State of California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR),
~ the County of Orange,
~ The WorkPlace CA,
~ Golden West College,
~ the Orange County Homeless Issues Task Force, and others.
Ms. Leon’s work has been recognized by the National Alliance of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP) as a Certified Workforce Development Professional (CWDP) and she is a Certified Instructor for The Pacific Institute’s Offender Employment Curriculum (OEC). She has also been recognized by the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD).
Ms. Leon has served as Program Director for the jobs and interns component of the largest community college district capital construction bond program in the US. Ms. Leon was the Founding Manager of the Orange County Employment Action Network, serving fourteen Orange County homeless shelters. She has provided direct client services to ex-felons, developmentally disabled, recovery, welfare-to-work and youth in terms of Employment Services. She has been on both sides of the desk, as Employee and Employer, in both the private and not-for-profit sectors, and offers a broad perspective to her clients and audiences.
Already a respected speaker and leader of ‘Train-the-Trainer’ seminars, she continues to accept engagements throughout California and the US. She has been engaged to speak to varied audiences including Southern California Edison (SCE), L.A. Cellular, and Golden West College. Her first book, The Working Workbook, was published in 2003.
'Getting a job' or 'getting a promotion' creates a wave of change in an individual's life and environment and Ms. Leon’s work extends to these considerations as well. Her education and professional experience in dealing with individuals in transition has given her a unique insight into the psychology and mechanics of personal change and success.
Ms. Leon is available as a Trainer and Consultant. For more information, please feel free to contact us at 310-737-0947 or at